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On the evening of October 10, 2018, the president of the Newman Alumni Association, Marcos Monpelat, introduced the three candidates and announced the winner: everyone applauded the name of Lucas Donnelley. As tradition indicates, the award was to be given to him by his father, but since Lucas's father passed away, the Association invited his mother to deliver it. Both -mother and son- gave each other a big hug on stage, to the applause of all the former students who were watching the scene in the main hall of the school.

Lucas Donnelly

Alguien que no deja de hacer, y hacer por el otro.


Por disposición de la Asociación de Ex Alumnos, el premio lo entregó su madre. Delante de todos, madre e hijo se confundieron en un abrazo que lo dice todo.


Lucas y su familia, a quien agradeció por todo el apoyo, "porque no todo es alegría pero al final del día me puedo reunir con ellos"

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