On Monday, March 21, we celebrated Mass at the school as the Past Pupils Association. We have an enthusiastic choir and a good number of alumni priests.
It was a moment of great grace, which allowed us to pray together for many intentions, especially remembering those who participated in the Malvinas War (40 years ago). We also gave thanks for life and our families, for the faith, the testimony of the Brothers and all that the Newman Community implies for us. We also decided not to stop transmitting to the new generations so much gift received.
Fr. Jaime Morea shared some strong experiences as a result of his pastoral work, and encouraged all of us to continue deepening that Samaritan attitude of going out to meet the other.
In the midst of the deep experience of communion lived, a question remained stinging as a compass: What to do so that Jesus is more and more the center of our lives?
Father Andres Di Cio